Starting up with bees can be expensive getting everything all in one hit.
How much do you invest in a hobby that you later realise doesn’t suit your lifestyle / children / pets?
Have your kids grown out of those dinky little suits?
Has the sudden oversupply of honey from your hobby caused you to grow out of your suit?
Did you start with all you needed for a couple of hives but caught the beekeeping bug, and now find yourself needing to adapt to commercial scale extraction requirement such as we offer to all beekeepers?
Or did you get sold something you didn’t need, can’t use, that you have held on to just in case?

As part of our sustainable approach to beekeeping, we love to recycle and reuse. Honey washings are fed to our pigs, propolis is gathered for sale, brace comb is collected for melting down and waxing frames. We encourage re-use of queen cages and we wash and reuse our queen cell cups.
But sometimes you find you just don’t have a need for that little bee suit you bought for your eight-year-old, especially when he turns sixteen and towers over you. Or that uncapping knife and extractor you bought before you knew you were harvesting Kanuka or Thyme honey that stubbornly would not leave the frames … which got mangled in the process!
We are happy to talk to you about rehoming suits, extraction equipment and other paraphernalia that can be of use to newcomers wishing to dip their toes into the world of beekeeping.
This may be in the form of a straight sale or a part exchange. Have a look in the back of the shed and see what you have.
Consider a quality second-hand purchase. Contact us and have a chat to see what we have.
Please note: this arrangement does not include used hiveware due to disease risks.